Sunday, October 3, 2010


By: Michael Thiele B.A., LL.B.

At Plant Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki we receive many inquiries from people who have been hurt, injured, traumatized, through many types of accidents. These accidents include such incidents as slip and falls, car accidents, assaults, things falling on people, dog bites, defective products--and many others that sometimes just seem utterly incredible. However, what is always clear is that the person calling has suffered a loss which can include income loss, job loss, pain and suffering, relationship breakdowns, loss of opportunity to earn income, loss of school year and academic opportunity. In all cases, the incident that caused the injury has created further complications and tragedy in the injured persons life that continue for a long period of time.

After explaining what happened to one of our lawyers, a client wants to know whether we can help them. They want to know whether they have a case. Whether a person has a case or not is truly a judgment call that reflects the experience and skill of the particular lawyer answering the question. Answering this question is made easier when the lawyer has a group of experienced lawyers to turn to within the same firm who are all working towards the same goal. At Plant Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki we have the lawyers to help you regardless of the circumstances of the incident that caused the injury.

While experience and skill is important, knowledge of the law applicable to the specific type of incident that caused the injury is critical. Personal Injury cases are generally within an area of law known as tort law. It is important to understand that a person only has a case if the legal test for damages is met. If the legal test can not be met on the facts--then an injured person may not succeed in their case.

To succeed in a lawsuit for personal injuries, the plaintiff must prove, on a balance of probabilities:

(a) injury to the plaintiff;

(b) the existence of a duty of care owed by the defendant to the plaintiff;

(c) the breach of the standard of care by the defendant;

(d) the defendant's breach caused the plaintiff's injury; and

(e) the injury must not be too remote a result of the defendant's conduct.

This foregoing test, as set out by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Greenhalgh v. Duoro-Drummer (Township), 2009 CarswellOnt 7995, is the first step in analyzing a situation to determine whether a lawsuit may or may not succeed. The skill arises in how the elements of the test are described and understood and of course how the facts are applied and understood to apply to the duty of care and the manner of the breach of that duty of care.

At Plant Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki our great success, and therefore the success of our clients has arisen from our ability to make the law work for our clients.