Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ottawa Car Accident Lawyers - Traffic Accidents and Injuries - by: Marc-Nicholas Quinn

Ottawa Car Accident Lawyers - Injury Experts - Traffic Accidents and Injuries - by: Marc-Nicholas Quinn

A traffic accident or traffic collision involves an incident in which a motor vehicle such as a car, suv, atv, motorcycle or other motorized travel device collides with another motor vehicle, person, pedestrian, animal, items on a road or other type obstacle. In cases of traffic accidents, traffic collisions, car crashes or car accidents, chances are that the incident has caused injury to person or property. It is very uncommon for a traffic collision or car accident not to cause injury to person, damage to property or even death. There are many factors that contribute to an accident occurring, such as weather, faulty vehicles, bad road design and driver impairment such as alcohol or drug consumption, texting or phone use. The list if impairments is long.

When a car accident leads to personal injury, the injured person should consult a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the accident. Motor vehicle law is a very complex area of law with many time limits to advance claims and significant pitfalls. Car accidents cause injury and significant financial cost. No matter how well we try to avoid car accidents and eliminate risks, car accidents will continue to occur.

Trying to find guidance from articles published on the Internet is a start, but one quickly realizes when trying to make sense of what to do after an accident, unless you are a car accident specialist, you will gain limited useful knowledge of your interests and rights as an injured person by surfing the Internet. The pitfalls in car accident litigation are endless and only an experienced car accident lawyer can provide the legal advice and guidance needed to protect your rights and interests and obtain fair compensation.

The types of injuries one can suffer in a car accident is varied. Car accidents can cause many different injuries to virtually any part of your body. Common injuries include head injuries and injury to the face such as lacerations, bruising, concussions, fractures, post-concussion syndrome, closed head injuries, traumatic brain injuries. We also see various neck injuries such as sprains, strains, whiplashes, fractures, cervical injuries and disc injuries. We see shoulder injuries such as sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations and joint injuries. We also see a significant amount of injuries to arms, hands, legs, knees and feet such as lacerations, bruises, fractures, sprains, strains, dislocations and ligament injuries. We see significant back injuries such as sprains, strains, fractures, disc injuries and spine injuries of every type. We often see associated psychological injuries, emotional trauma and in some cases death. The severity of the injuries varies significantly.

In many cases, injuries sustained in car accidents are not obvious right away. In some cases, endorphins produced in times of trauma mask or hide pain and you may not be aware of the injuries sustained until some time later. In some cases, swelling only occurs after some time and injuries are revealed only hours or days after a car accident. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Always seek medical treatment after a car accident even if you appear fine.

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a car accident or other type of accident, contact the Ottawa Accident and Injury Lawyer Network for a free consultation. We offer No Fee Until You Win agreements and will not charge anything unless you win your case. Call us at 613-563-1131 or 613-315-HURT.

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