Sunday, September 26, 2010


On September 25, 2010, Michael Thiele spoke at the annual Ottawa Tenant's Conference. This conference highlights issues that are facing residential tenants in Ontario but more specifically in Eastern Ontario. Mr. Thiele conducted a workshop that focused on Termination of Residential Tenancies. This workshop high-lighted the structure of a residential lease, the right of a tenant to continue a residential lease beyong a term, and that a residential lease may only be terminated by agreement between landlord and tenant or by a Notice of Termination as explicitly provided under the Residential Tenancies Act.

The workshop was very popular generating much discussion amongst the participants and unfortunately it only last an hour. A paper that was not available at the conference is available at the following link: (if this link is not active in your browser-cut and paste it). The paper entitled TENANCY TERMINATION PRIMER should also be available on the Ottawa Tenants Conference website which is located at . Inquiries to have a copy mailed to you may be made on the website as well.

Thank you all for those who attended it was nice to meet you and very informative for me as well.

Michael Thiele

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