Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hurt on a Landlord's Property

Due to carelessness, negligence, or sometimes simple misfortune, people get hurt through accidents on apartment properties. The injuries may arise from dog bites (dogs owned by other tenants), slip and falls due to ice or snow, trips or falls caused by crumbling concrete, steps or walkways, or even injuries inside rental units due to neglect and lack of repair. If you or someone you know has suffered an injury inside a rental apartment or house--what can you do? The fact is that both a tenant and a landlord may be liable in tort for the injuries sustained by a guest. What is sometimes less clear is that a landlord may be liable for the injuries sustained by a tenant of that landlord if the injury is caused by the landlord's negligence and neglect. A landlord does not have any special protection from being sued simply by being in a landlord and tenant relationship---regardless of what the lease says! Given the serious consequences of suffering a personal injury (pain and suffering, loss of income, loss of future income, loss of earning capacity, special expenses including medical and medical assistive devices) it is important to explore all sources of compensation to help the injury victim get through the ordeal. My law-firm, located in Ottawa, Ontario, is considered a leading boutique personal injury law firm. This label "boutique" means that personal injury work is the primary focus of the firm. We currently have eight lawyers in the firm focusing exclusively on personal injury claims. Needing a personal injury lawyer in Ontario is actually less stressful than needing any other kind of lawyer from a financial perspective. Almost all personal injury matters are handled on a "don't pay unless you win basis" meaning there is no risk of having to pay us for services unless you win or settle your claim. Accordingly, it is worthwhile to get an opinion about injuries that happen on a landlord's property. Consultations are free and I would be pleased to hear from you. Michael K. E. Thiele Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP Ottawa, Ontario 613-563-1131

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cornwall and Hawkesbury Injuries

If you are a resident of Cornwall or Hawkesbury and you have sustained an injury as a result of a fall or a car accident do not hesitate to call one of our seasoned personal injury lawyer. QTMG LLP lawyers are available to travel to your home free of charge and provide you with a free consultation regarding your personal injury matter. Call us at 613-563-1131.

Injury lawyers serving all of Eastern Ontario

QTMG LLP personal injury law firm services clients throughout Eastern Ontario. Many of our clients reside outside of the City of Ottawa. If you reside in one of the following cities or townships and have sustained an injury, please call us: Alfred, Arnprior, Bourget, Brockville, Casselman, Cornwall, Embrun, Hawkesbury, Kingston, Maxville, Morrisburg, Pembroke, Petawawa, Prescott, Renfrew, Rockland, St. Isidore. Let one of our bilingual personal injury lawyers assist you. Free Consultation. Call us 613-563-1131.

The benefits of yoga as a medical rehabilitation treatment

Injury Accident Lawyers QTMG LLP. At QTMG LLP we are always keeping up with developments in the law and advances in medicine and rehabilitation. For many yoga is trend, for others it is a way of life. For victims of personal injury incidents it is a valid medical and rehabilitation treatment. The therapeutic virtues of yoga as a complimentary treatment have now been recognized by numerous medical associations and are now recommended as a complimentary treatment in conjunction with other physical therapy treatments. In Ontario, yoga has been recognized as a valid medical treatment within the context of the Statutory Accident Benefit Schedule (SABS). When found to be reasonable and justified, insurance companies are now accepting to fund yoga treatments as a medical benefit to assist in the recovery process of victims of motor vehicle collisions. Recent medical studies attest to the benefit of participating in yoga such as, reducing recovery times and providing a less stressful recovery period. A complimentary yoga program in conjunction with physiotherapy and massage therapy treatments assists the mental and emotional needs of personal injury victims. It is a well known fact that victims of serious injuries must live with a great amount of stress, anxiety and the fear of re-injury. Yoga, as a rehabilitation treatment, has shown that it can strengthen the attitude, the mindset and the morale of victims during the recovery process, thereby allowing for a greater and speedier recovery. For a greater discussion on the virtues of yoga as rehabilitation treatment, we invite you to consult with your local yoga centre or alternatively we invite you to consult the numerous articles published by the American Council on Exercise and the American Holistic Medical Association. Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP 613-563-1131.

Claims against insurance brokers on the rise in Ontario

Injury Lawyers Ottawa - QTMG LLP Over the course of our practice and since the legislative changes to the SABS which came into effect on September 1, 2010, we have noted a considerable increase in the number of inquiries about whether or not an insured can initiate an action against his insurance broker for his failure to inform and offer optional benefits in subsequent insurance policy renewal applications. This new trend appears to be a direct side effect caused by the changes to the available accident benefits previously offered under a basic insurance policy. Under the right circumstances, insured's who feel they have been deprived of the opportunity to purchase optional benefits and who now find themselves under insured can initiate an action based in negligence against their broker. For a more comprehensive explanation of the facts that must be proven is such a claim, we invite you to review the decision of: Zefferino v. Meloche Monnex 2012 ONSC 154. You can also contact one of our motor vehicle injury lawyers for a more detailed explanation at 613-563-1131.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Introducing our new Managing Partner: Anthony Mineault

QTMG LLP - Ottawa Injury Lawyers - is proud to announce the nomination of Anthony Mineault to the role of Managing Partner, effective immediately. Anthony brings new excitement to the role and the fresh eyes and mind of a younger partner. Change is often refreshing and with change comes new and exciting possibilities. QTMG LLP would like to express its sincere thanks to Marc Quinn, who held this position for the last 11 years. Mr. Quinn will now be in position to concentrate his time and attention to his budding personal injury practice. The firm became a fierce personal injury law boutique during Mr. Quinn's tutelage and our young new managing partner is looking forward to the challenge of ensuring its continuous success and growth. If you have any questions relating to a personal injury matter please contact our team at 613-563-1131.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Introduction to personal injury law: We can help you!

QTMG LLP – Injury and accident lawyers – For many years, we have represented victims who have been seriously injured. Through experience and education, our firm is able to expertly evaluate personal injuries and pursue personal injury claims on behalf of the injured claimant. QTMG LLP provides the highest grade legal service for all types of personal injury. We have represented all personal injury matters including claimants who have been injured in the case of auto accident injuries, private and public site injuries, product liability claims, wrongful death claims and injuries from exposure to dangerous substances. Our tort litigation claims consists of injuries ranging from fractured bone, traumatic brain injury, paralysis and catastrophic burn injuries. What is personal injury law? Our common law system of justice permits injury victims to sue for their damages. Personal injury law is known as tort law. A tort is legally described as "a civil wrong or wrongful act – tortious behavior or act - whether intentional or accidental, from which injury occurs to another. Tort law includes all negligence cases as well as intentional wrongs which result in harm." Torts fall under three categories: 1. Intentional torts - purposely inflicting injury to a party, such as assault or battery; 2. Negligent torts - causing an accident that results in injury to a party, such as car accidents and slip and fall; and 3. Strict liability torts – dog/animal attack; manufacturing, marketing or selling defective products that result in injury to a party. The most common grounds for a civil action in personal injury law involve negligence. These include car collisions or accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian vs. motor vehicle accidents, boating accidents, snowmobile accidents and all-terrain vehicle accidents. When an accident occurs due to negligence, the injured victim can initiate a legal claim against the negligent party to recover their damages. At common law, damages generally include: general damages permitting a victim to recover monetary compensation for their pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life; past and future loss of income; current and future medical expenses, etc… At common law, in order to prove negligence, claimants must support their claim with the following facts: 1. There was negligence - The other party owed you a duty of car and his behaviour was negligent in that it fell below an acceptable and reasonable standard of care; 2. Causation - Their negligence caused the accident – had it not been for their negligence the accident would not have happened; 3. Damages - You suffered damages as a direct or material result of the accident. In Ontario, personal injury claimants must file their claim within the basis time frame provided by the Limitations Act. The Ontario Limitations Act provides claimants with a period of two years to initiate their action. Negligent tort cases start on the date of the injury, for example a car collision, or on the date that you discover an injury has occurred, for example a medical side effect. QTMG LLP provides leading edge and innovative legal services for all types of serious injuries. Our team of personal injury lawyers is educated in understanding the human anatomy and how the body and soul respond to an injury. We pursue, on a continuous basis, legal and medical education to better serve and represent our clients. QTMG LLP is committed to fighting for our client's rights to fair compensation and has repeatedly demonstrated our ability to succeed in the most challenging and complex personal injury cases. If you or a loved member of your family has suffered a personal injury, contact our trusted team of lawyers for a free evaluation of your claim at 613-563-1131.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Slip and fall incidents: We can get you cash compensation

QTMG LLP Injury Lawyers Ottawa. Occupier’s Liability in Ontario - Many people trip and fall for a variety of reasons, most often the fall is due to the negligence of a third party. In Ontario, occupiers of property, as well as property owners can be held liable for trip/slip and fall accidents. The liability of an occupier (owner or person who has responsibility for a property) largely stems from the obligations of occupiers and owners under the Occupier’s Liability Act of Ontario. In many instances, trip/slip and falls occur because of lack of maintenance, construction defects or wear and tear of a walking surface. QTMG LLP personal injury lawyers in Ottawa, Ontario, have handled hundreds of fall cases pertaining to all sorts of injuries. From minor injury cases such as fractured bones to serious permanent debilitating injuries such as cases of traumatic brain injury or quadriplegia. Handling a slip/trip and fall case can be complicated. Proving negligence often involves the use of experts such as building or engineering experts and a thorough review of building codes, municipal by-laws and the Ontario jurisprudence. If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip/trip and fall accident, contact QTMG LLP Ottawa personal injury lawyers. We possess considerable experience with owner and occupier liability negligence cases. Free consultations are available and most of our clients do not pay legal fees until they obtain a cash settlement. Call Nadim Barsoum at 613-563-1131 for a free consultation.

Pedestrians and cyclists - Entitlement to accident benefits

Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP - Ottawa Injury Lawyers - Statutory Accident Benefits are available to all victims injured in a motor vehicle collision in Ontario whether they were at fault or not for the collision. Motor vehicle collisions do not solely occur between a car and another. We refer to the term motor vehicle collision to encompass all accidents involving at least 1 motor vehicle, may it be a car, a truck, a tractor, a motorcycle or an ATV, etc.. While the Highway Traffic Act affords cyclists and pedestrians some protection when it comes to fault and the imposition of a reverse onus of proof, it affords no protection in terms of compensation. Under the provisions of the Insurance Act however, cyclists and pedestrians (whether they are insured through a motor vehicle insurance policy) who are injured as a result of a collision with a motor vehicle are entitled to statutory benefits. Regardless of fault, the cyclist/pedestrian will be entitled to accident benefits including income replacement, medical treatment and rehabilitation care which are all included as benefits under the statutory accident benefits. If you or someone you care about has been involved in a bicycle/pedestrian accident involving a motor vehicle, contact Anthony Mineault or Mikolaj Grodzki for a free consultation. Call us at 613-563-1131. Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP Ottawa bicycle/pedestrian accident lawyers.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tips for winter driving

It’s winter time! Ottawa Injury lawyers, Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP as part of their ongoing campaign to raise awareness about car accident prevention present the following “driving safely tips” for winter driving: • Although not mandated by law in Ontario, a prudent driver should always switch to a reputable brand of winter tires during the snow and cold seasons; • Ensure that your mechanic inspects the breaks on your motor vehicle upon switching from winter to all season tires. If significant wear and tear has been noted, be safe and replace your breaks; • In addition to requesting a break inspection, a prudent and responsible car owner should request a full inspection of his vehicle from his mechanic. Potential car problems and accidents can be avoided through a simple car inspection; • If the sun is out, wear sunglasses. Don’t let your driving abilities be compromised by the glare or the intensity of the sun as it is reflected off snow covered roads and fields; • Relax and enjoy a nice car ride. Abide the posted speed limits. Mixing unreasonable speed and cars often lead to catastrophic accidents; • Don’t drink and drive. Don’t consume drugs and drive. Don’t consume medication which may impair your ability to drive prior to heading on the road; • Ensure that you make proper shoulder checks. It’s not prudent to only rely on your car’s mirrors. You may miss small vehicles hiding in the blind spots not covered by your vehicle’s mirrors; • Use a Bluetooth device or stay off your mobile phone. Speaking on the phone and texting on the phone distract drivers and cause accidents. It’s just common sense. For more information on this issue please contact the lawyers at QTMG LLP.

Introducing Marc Quinn

QTMG LLP - Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyers are proud to salute Mr. Marc Quinn. Mr. Quinn is a graduate of the University of Ottawa Law School. He was called to the Ontario Bar in 1997. Mr. Quinn practices law exclusively in the field of civil litigation. Mr. Quinn is an accomplished litigator and possesses a wealth of legal knowledge. He has appeared before every level of court in Ontario, including the Court of Appeal. In the recent years, Mr. Quinn has transitioned a portion of his practice into the area of personal injury law, with an emphasis on slip and fall injuries. Over the course of his 15 year career he has crafted a strong reputation as an aggressive, yet thoughtful litigator. If you require a lawyer who will relentlessly fight for your right to fair compensation, we encourage you to call Mr. Quinn at 613-563-1131 extension 223.

Injuries caused by a city sidewalk or roadway: The obligation to give notice to the municipality

Subsection 44(10) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, chapter 25, creates a form of limitation period through which it requires personal injury victims to provide written notice of the incident to the municipality in which the incident occurred. The purpose of this law is to ensure that a municipality has a timely opportunity to investigate the incident. Most personal injury victims are not aware of this notice requirement – that no action shall be brought for the recovery of damages unless, within 10 days after the occurrence of the injury, written notice of the claim and of the injury complained of has been served upon or sent by registered mail to the clerk of the municipality – and are only informed of it the time they meet with a lawyer. The time period imposed by the Act is different than the basic limitation period, of two years, provided by the Limitations Act, S.O. 2002, Chapter 24, which governs the time period within which a plaintiff must initiate a legal action. Fortunately for victims, subsection 44(12) of the Act provide an exception allowing it to argue that the failure to give notice is not a bar to an action, but only if it can be shown that there is a reason for the want or the insufficiency of the notice and that the municipality is not prejudiced in its defence. Unfortunately, pleading the ignorance of the law is not a valid legal reason. So what can a victim do if he has not complied with subsection 44(10)? The personal injury victim must bring himself within the ambit of subsection 44(12) and demonstrate that he has a reasonable excuse for the delay and that the municipality has not been prejudiced in its defence by the delay in receiving the notice. To obtain a sense of “what a plaintiff can do”, we invite you to read the recent decisions of Zogjani v. Toronto (City) and Delahaye v. Toronto (City). These two decisions are suggestive of what the court will consider as evidence of a reasonable excuse for the delay. For more information on this issue please contact the lawyers of QTMG LLP at 613-563-1131.

Rise above the pack: Retain a QTMG LLP Lawyer for your personal injury case

Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP, personal injury lawyers Ottawa Consulting with a lawyer after suffering from a wrongfully inflicted personal injury is a very important step towards obtaining just and fair monetary compensation. Only a competent and experienced personal injury lawyer can ensure that your rights, as victim of a personal injury claim, are protected. Whether you have been injured in a motor vehicle collision, a slip/trip and fall incident, as a result of a medical malpractice or a dog attack, you have nothing to lose by acting now and calling QTMG personal injury lawyers Ottawa. We offer completely free legal consultation and case review. If you chose a QTMG lawyer, we charge no legal fees and legal disbursements unless we recover damages.Our lawyers possess a wealth of experience and are highly respected by the leading Canadian insurance defence law firms and Insurance Companies. We strive on our excellent reputation as tough advocates for victims of personal injuries and we are driven to obtain the best result for our clients. If you have been wrongly injured, we invite you to benefit from our wealth of experience. Our experience makes the difference, especially when it comes to maximizing your monetary recovery. Call us today at 613-563-1131 and let us fight for your right to fair compensation.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Anthony Mineault: Motor vehicle accident lawyer

QTMG LLP - Ottawa personal injury lawyers - is proud to profile Mr. Anthony Mineault. Mr. Mineault is a graduate of the University of Ottawa Law School. Prior to his call to the bar, he acted as a special advisor to the Chief Information Officer of the Treasury Board Secretariat. Mr. Mineault was called to the Ontario Bar in 2006. Since being called to the bar, his practice has focused solely on personal injury litigation, with an emphasis on helping victims injured in motor vehicle collisions/accidents. Mr. Mineault has always enjoyed fighting for the underdog. His stellar performances as a personal injury lawyer and strong negotiation skills have allowed him to quickly rise to the level of partner in 2010. Mr. Mineault is fluently bilingual an can represent clients in either the French or English language at all levels of court. If you or your friends require a strong personal injury lawyer, we highly recommend that you contact Mr. Mineault at 613-563-1131, extension 258.

Cream of the crop: Michael Thiele

QTMG LLP - Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyers. We are pleased to highlight the achievements of Michael Thiele for the year 2012. There is a wonderful gem hidden within the confines of our personal injury law firm. Michael Thiele sets the diamond standard when it comes to the practice of residential landlord and tenant legal matters. Following his illustrious academic career at the Queens University law program, Mr. Thiele was called to the Ontario Bar in 1997. He has been a partner with QTMG LLP since 2001. His current practice is focused on landlord and tenant law matters, commercial, wills and estate litigation. Mr. Thiele has acquired a reputation as a cunning strategist and strong negotiator. Due Mr. Thiele's dynamic performance at the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board, most Ottawa residential landlords who have once opposed him have learned from their experience. They now solely seek to retain Mr. Thiele to deal with their tenant matters. Mr. Thiele has experience before all levels of courts in the Province of Ontario, including the Court of Appeal. For a free consultation, please contact Mr. Thiele at 613-563-1131.

How do I determine if there was negligence?

The elements of an action founded in negligence Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP, personal injury lawyers Ottawa, is always keeping up with developments in the law. Over the years, clients have often expressed an interest in understanding what constitutes a claim based in negligence and whether they are involved in such a successful claim. With the passage of time, the Courts in England and Canada established through their body of decisions a single conceptual framework that permits the analysis of negligence claims on a case by case basis. The aim of this article is to enunciate the elements that form the analytical framework employed by the Court in the adjudication of a negligence action. The framework is composed of 6 distinct elements. It is the responsibility of the plaintiff of proving the existence, in their claim, of the first 5 elements. The defendant has the burden of proving the sixth. Therefore, if a plaintiff hopes to successfully argue an action based in negligence he must prove beyond the balance of probabilities that the following 5 elements are present in his claim: • The “duty of care”: the plaintiff bears the burden of proving that, in the circumstance, the defendant’s act or omission was in proximity to his person and that he was under a legal obligation to exercise care towards him and his interest. The duty of care is a concept that was born out of the principle that “you must not injure your neighbor and therefore in your day to day activities you must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would likely to cause an injury to your neighbor, i.e. the individuals who reside and operate in proximity to your acts or omissions”; • The “standard of care and its breach”: the plaintiff must demonstrate and establish that a specific standard of care was required of the defendant in the circumstance. That is, to prove that the defendant was bound to conform to the standard of care that would have been exercised by a reasonable person. The Court then evaluates and assesses the conduct of the defendant and decides if he has breached the requisite standard. The standard of care is based on an evaluation of what the reasonable person would have been expected to do in the circumstance; • The “cause in fact” issue: Even if the plaintiff proves that a duty of care was owed to him and that a breach of the required standard occurred, he must still demonstrate that the defendant’s negligent conduct is a cause of his loss; • The “remoteness of damages”: Once it is established that the defendant’s negligent behavior caused the plaintiff’s damages, the court must be satisfied that the damages sustained were a forseeable result of the defendant’s negligent behavior. The damages must be foreseeable in the sense that when the defendant foresees the risk of damages associated with his behavior he can thus avert the risks caused by his actions; • The plaintiff must suffer “an actual loss”: Unlike other torts, negligence on its own is not an actionable. Therefore, the plaintiff bears the burden of proving that he has suffered a legally recognized form of damages. Lastly, the defendant bears the burden of proving that defences apply in the circumstance. These defences are mainly aimed at whether the plaintiff’s conduct in the matter should be taken into account to reduce his claim for damages or entirely defeat his claim. There are 4 defences that can be invoked by a defendant: 1) contributory negligence (the plaintiff contributed to his own misfortune); 2) voluntary assumption of risk (i.e., the plaintiff voluntary undertook to complete inherently dangerous task); 3) the doctrine of ex turpi causa non oritur action; and 4) inevitable accident (the event would have occurred regardless of the conduct of the defendant). For those who wish to read a thorough analysis of the duty of care and the elements of a negligence action, we recommended reading the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in the matter of Nielsen v. Kamloops (City) [1984] 2 S.C.R. 2, a decision in which the Court adopted a pro-plaintiff interpretation of the duty of care. Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP 310 O’Connor Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1V8 Tel: 613-563-1131

Lawyer Profile: Rohan Bansie

Ottawa Personal Injury Law Firm QTMG LLP is proud to congratulate Deputy Judge Rohan G. Bansie for his outstanding legal achievements during the year 2012. Mr. Rohan G. Bansie is a senior counsel at our firm, he has experience before all levels of courts in the Province of Ontario, including the Court of Appeal. Mr Bansie is also a trained mediator who has over 25 years experience in assisting clients with conflict resolution issues. He has been appointed to the roster of court-connected mediators in the Ontario Superior Court. Mr Bansie has provided lectures and workshops on various topics of law as well as advocacy, litigation and negotiations. He has also lectured to law students, lawyers, paralegals and articling students as part of ongoing continuing legal education commitments for lawyers and paralegals in Ontario. In 2007, Mr Bansie was appointed as Deputy Judge of the Superior Court of Justice, Small Claims Court and as since adjudicated countless court matters. If you require an outstanding senior personal injury lawyer, we encourage you to call Mr. Bansie at 613-563-1131 extension 260.

QTMG 2012 Performance Highlight

The personal injury law firm of QTMG LLP wishes to congratulate Anthony Mineault and Mikolaj Grodzki for their outstanding legal achievements during the year 2012. Mr. Mineault and Mr. Grodzki are partners at QTMG LLP. They practice law almost exclusively in the field of motor vehicle accident claims. Mr. Mineault and Mr. Grodzki have each garnered a solid reputation as compassionate advocates and outstanding negotiators. If you are searching for a personal injury lawyer who can provide you with amazing results, we highly recommend that you call 613-563-1131 and request to speak with either Mr. Mineault or Mr. Grodzki.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lawyer Profile: Nadim Barsoum

QTMG LLP is pleased to welcome Mr. Nadim Barsoum to its team of highly experienced personal injury lawyers. Mr. Barsoum was called to the Ontario Bar in 1997, following the completion of his law degree at the University of Ottawa. Mr. Barsoum is a skilled senior litigator and an excellent advocate for personal injury victims' rights to fair compensation. Mr. Barsoum speaks Arabic, French and English. If you require a dedicated personal injury lawyer, we highly recommend that you call Mr. Barsoum at 613-563-1131, extension 232.

Lawyer Profile: Jaimie Noel

Since joining our team in 2010, Ms. Jaimie Noel has achieved a high level of success as a plaintiff sided personal injury lawyer. Through her dedication to her clients cause and her hard work ethic, she has acquired a strong reputation as a top litigator and a compassionate advocate for personal injury victims' right to fair compensation. If you require the assistance of a well respected personal injury lawyer, we encourage you to call Ms. Noel at 613-563-1131, extension 238.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Winter is near...

QTMG Personal Injury Lawyers Ottawa wishes to remind motorists to equip their vehicles with winter tires to ensure a better performance of their vehicle and to avoid unnecessary collisions.

Operation Red Nose

QTMG Personal Injury Lawyers Ottawa, wishes to remind all prudent car drivers to not drink and drive during the Holiday Seasons. It's simply not worth the risk, especially when someone can do the driving for you. Operation Red Nose is in its second week of operation in the Capital Region. If you plan on having one too many drinks, please call Operation Red Nose at 613-820-NOSE (6673) and let a volunteer safely drive your vehicle home.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Getting the Message Out

As personal injury lawyers one of the things we must do is try to reach the people who need our help. Marketing and advertising is a fine balance as here in Ontario we try to avoid the marketing hype that everyone is familiar with in the United States. One of the new advertising methods we at QTMG LLP are now using is bike rack advertising as we like to think this advertising also supports a healthy living lifestyle of riding one's bike to work etc.. In this photo we have Marc Quinn, partner at QTMG LLP, beside one of our newly installed bike racks in Ottawa, Ontario.