Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hurt on a Landlord's Property

Due to carelessness, negligence, or sometimes simple misfortune, people get hurt through accidents on apartment properties. The injuries may arise from dog bites (dogs owned by other tenants), slip and falls due to ice or snow, trips or falls caused by crumbling concrete, steps or walkways, or even injuries inside rental units due to neglect and lack of repair. If you or someone you know has suffered an injury inside a rental apartment or house--what can you do? The fact is that both a tenant and a landlord may be liable in tort for the injuries sustained by a guest. What is sometimes less clear is that a landlord may be liable for the injuries sustained by a tenant of that landlord if the injury is caused by the landlord's negligence and neglect. A landlord does not have any special protection from being sued simply by being in a landlord and tenant relationship---regardless of what the lease says! Given the serious consequences of suffering a personal injury (pain and suffering, loss of income, loss of future income, loss of earning capacity, special expenses including medical and medical assistive devices) it is important to explore all sources of compensation to help the injury victim get through the ordeal. My law-firm, located in Ottawa, Ontario, is considered a leading boutique personal injury law firm. This label "boutique" means that personal injury work is the primary focus of the firm. We currently have eight lawyers in the firm focusing exclusively on personal injury claims. Needing a personal injury lawyer in Ontario is actually less stressful than needing any other kind of lawyer from a financial perspective. Almost all personal injury matters are handled on a "don't pay unless you win basis" meaning there is no risk of having to pay us for services unless you win or settle your claim. Accordingly, it is worthwhile to get an opinion about injuries that happen on a landlord's property. Consultations are free and I would be pleased to hear from you. Michael K. E. Thiele Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP Ottawa, Ontario 613-563-1131

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