Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The benefits of yoga as a medical rehabilitation treatment

Injury Accident Lawyers QTMG LLP. At QTMG LLP we are always keeping up with developments in the law and advances in medicine and rehabilitation. For many yoga is trend, for others it is a way of life. For victims of personal injury incidents it is a valid medical and rehabilitation treatment. The therapeutic virtues of yoga as a complimentary treatment have now been recognized by numerous medical associations and are now recommended as a complimentary treatment in conjunction with other physical therapy treatments. In Ontario, yoga has been recognized as a valid medical treatment within the context of the Statutory Accident Benefit Schedule (SABS). When found to be reasonable and justified, insurance companies are now accepting to fund yoga treatments as a medical benefit to assist in the recovery process of victims of motor vehicle collisions. Recent medical studies attest to the benefit of participating in yoga such as, reducing recovery times and providing a less stressful recovery period. A complimentary yoga program in conjunction with physiotherapy and massage therapy treatments assists the mental and emotional needs of personal injury victims. It is a well known fact that victims of serious injuries must live with a great amount of stress, anxiety and the fear of re-injury. Yoga, as a rehabilitation treatment, has shown that it can strengthen the attitude, the mindset and the morale of victims during the recovery process, thereby allowing for a greater and speedier recovery. For a greater discussion on the virtues of yoga as rehabilitation treatment, we invite you to consult with your local yoga centre or alternatively we invite you to consult the numerous articles published by the American Council on Exercise and the American Holistic Medical Association. Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP 613-563-1131.

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