Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tips for winter driving

It’s winter time! Ottawa Injury lawyers, Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP as part of their ongoing campaign to raise awareness about car accident prevention present the following “driving safely tips” for winter driving: • Although not mandated by law in Ontario, a prudent driver should always switch to a reputable brand of winter tires during the snow and cold seasons; • Ensure that your mechanic inspects the breaks on your motor vehicle upon switching from winter to all season tires. If significant wear and tear has been noted, be safe and replace your breaks; • In addition to requesting a break inspection, a prudent and responsible car owner should request a full inspection of his vehicle from his mechanic. Potential car problems and accidents can be avoided through a simple car inspection; • If the sun is out, wear sunglasses. Don’t let your driving abilities be compromised by the glare or the intensity of the sun as it is reflected off snow covered roads and fields; • Relax and enjoy a nice car ride. Abide the posted speed limits. Mixing unreasonable speed and cars often lead to catastrophic accidents; • Don’t drink and drive. Don’t consume drugs and drive. Don’t consume medication which may impair your ability to drive prior to heading on the road; • Ensure that you make proper shoulder checks. It’s not prudent to only rely on your car’s mirrors. You may miss small vehicles hiding in the blind spots not covered by your vehicle’s mirrors; • Use a Bluetooth device or stay off your mobile phone. Speaking on the phone and texting on the phone distract drivers and cause accidents. It’s just common sense. For more information on this issue please contact the lawyers at QTMG LLP.

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