Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back to School--Road Safety

Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP, personal injury lawyers Ottawa, along with the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Police, are reminding motorists that some children are already back in school and that most others will be back to school next Tuesday. In Ottawa, as in other Cities across Ontario this means that motorists will see many more school buses making regular stops to let children on an off buses as well many more children in road intersections and along sidewalks. Ottawa Public health encourages parents to let their children walk to school as this kind of activity is a good part of the physical activity that children should have every day. People, and especially motorists, should keep in mind that as children are on the sidewalks, crossing roads, and walking along roads that they have an obligation to be extra vigilant about these pedestrians. This obligation is not just the "right" thing to do for our young people, but in fact it is a legal obligation of motorists. A driver has a duty to be aware of the surroundings, the roadway, and pedestrians along and on the roadway. Striking a pedestrian is presumptively the fault of a driver who is required to keep a proper lookout along the route. As part of it's road safety program the City of Ottawa has posted five portable variable message signs at high traffic intersections that will operate for the next two weeks. These signs will remind drivers of the start of school as well as their obligation to exercise vigilance when driving near schools and school buses. At QTMG LLP, we look forward to the start of school for all of the children (and perhaps especially our own!). Lets hope for a safe and great start to a new school year.

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