Friday, August 17, 2012


Marc Quinn is an accomplished Ottawa lawyer soon to be graduating into the ranks of senior counsel. Senior counsel is a reference to his over 15 years of experience in the Ontario Courts. During this time Marc has developed powerful skills in his litigation practice representing individual clients from all walks of life. As a founding partner of Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP, personal injury lawyers Ottawa, Marc was instrumental in the firm's shift from a general practice to a focused practice in personal injury law and insurance litigation. When called upon to explain the change in focus Marc explains that to him, the greatest power imbalances and hence the greatest injustices appeared to him in seeing an injury victim, a fire-loss claimant, or anyone for that matter trying to take on an insurance company or a big corporation. As anyone who has been in the legal system knows, the financial cost of going through the process is often enough to bankrupt a person well before any trial or resolution of a case by the Court. The unfairness in the system, the difficulty with access to justice, is what inspired Marc to change the direction of his lawfirm to focus on personal injury work---with the expectation that virtually 100% of the cases in the office be funded by the lawfirm itself. To Marc's mind, clients who have been seriously injured, can not and should not be expected to deplete their life savings paying a lawyer to chase a huge insurance company through the Courts. Accordingly, at QTMG LLP, the vast majority of all personal injury files are pursued on a contingency fee basis----a true contingency fee basis. This means that a client pays nothing--no fees, no taxes, no disbursements unless the money to pay these things is recovered through a lawsuit or settlement with the person who caused the injury in the first place. Marc's passion is his work, his law firm, and the people he helps. This frequently takes him away from his family, his two girls, and his many friends in the community. Marc's passion for helping regular people led him, several years ago, to pursue training in alternative dispute resolution in the family law context as well as mediation training at an advanced level for all types of conflicts. Being able to provide mediation services to people in conflict is another way for disputes to be resolved, hopefully early on, before the extreme expense of the Court system takes over. To that end, Marc is a Court Connected Roster mediator and makes his services available at reduced hourly rates for mediation. Marc was born and raised in Ottawa and attended the University of Ottawa law school. He is fluently bilingual and will conduct cases, interviews, and mediations in French. If you have suffered an injury, are fighting an insurance company, or simply need legal help, you may wish to call Marc for his advice and assistance.

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