Thursday, August 16, 2012

WaterParks-Calypso Ottawa

As recently filed lawsuits demonstrate, the high adventure, speed and thrill of big waterpark rides, such as those at Calypso, carry some risk of injury. Big thrills, no matter how well engineered a ride is, can not be entirely risk free. At Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP, personal injury lawyers Ottawa, we get calls every day from people who are injured through misadventure. In reviewing the incidents that led to the injuries it is important to consider all of the relevant legal factors to determine if there is indeed any liability. Just because there is an injury does not mean that the park or property owner is liable for that injury. Accordingly, in assessing whether there is merit to a claim, it is important to consider how the park owner, in the recent Ottawa cases, was negligent, in breach of contract or in breach of statutory obligations and the duty of care to the park visitor. As a matter of law, it is not enough to simply rely on the "fact" of the injury to establish financial responsibility on the waterpark. At QTMG LLP, we analyze all aspects of a claim before committing our clients to a lengthy court battle. Expert reports, and in the case of amusement parks, engineering reports and government inspection reports are critically important to determine if indeed the park is responsible for the damages sustained as a result of the injuries. With a proper investigation of the underlying circumstances of any case, obtaining expert reports from appropriate professionals, TSSA reports, investigation reports, and supporting evidence of the extent of the damages suffered, it is often possible and even likely that cases such as those involving Calypso can be resolved without the need for stressful and costly litigation. If you, a friend, family member or colleague has suffered an injury through misadventure, call the lawyers at QTMG LLP for a free consultation.

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