Monday, August 20, 2012

Licenced Lawyers & Paralegals

A recent incident in Ottawa is highlighting the importance for clients to check that the people they hire are actually real lawyers and/or paralegals. In an Ottawa case, a person going by the names of Neil Shah and Deep Sing Shah, is reported to have held himself out as a lawyer with an office on Laurier Avenue. While the allegations against him remain unproven, reports indicate that several clients lost large sums of money as a result of hiring this person as a lawyer. This story highlights the need for all clients to know how to ensure that the "lawyer" they are dealing with is indeed authorized to practice law in Ontario. To that end, a great starting point is at the website of the Law Society of Upper Canada. The website provides a way for the public to search for a lawyer and to determine if that lawyer or paralegal is in good standing with the Law Society. A lawyer or paralegal who is in good standing will be entitled to practice law in Ontario and will also be insured with the mandatory insurance required by the Law Society of Upper Canada. If there is any doubt after such a search, a client may also call the Law Society to inquire about any lawyer or paralegal that they intend to retain.

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