Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bronson Avenue & Gladstone Update

A short while ago we blogged about the construction on Bronson Avenue in Ottawa. The construction caused significant traffic problems as entire sections and intersections became impassable. The City of Ottawa, partly in response to complaints, stepped up the pace of construction to allow more orderly flow of traffic. As a result the City of Ottawa has announced that the intersection of Bronson Avenue and Gladstone Avenue will open to east-west traffic starting at noon on Friday, August 31, 2012. Hopefully this will allow people to get a little closer to the area with their vehicles. As many of you know, the merchants on Bronson have been suffering terribly throughout this summer and there is a lot more construction to come. Note that access along Bronson Avenue during the construction is being maintained for pedestrians and wheelchair users. If you are able to patronize the businesses, especially during this time, it would be appreciated. Certainly the partners at Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP, personal injury lawyers Ottawa, are trying to take regular walks over to the area to support the local business owners.

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