Sunday, August 19, 2012


Perhaps the recent complaints in various media have made a difference. Bronson Avenue in Ottawa has been undergoing a complete reconstruction and has been impassable for months. The work includes replacement of water and sewer pipes as well as improvement of the street with the installation of a signalized crosswalk to improve pedestrian safety. The City of Ottawa has announced that the working hours on this project are now being extended to include Saturdays between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.. This will continue until December 2012. At Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP, personal injury lawyers Ottawa, we have taken note of the construction work on Bronson and are hopeful that this reconstruction work along with some design changes will result in a safer street. Bronson has become a heavily used and fast artery. As many others in the community using Bronson, it was apparent that entering Bronson from the side streets was increasingly difficult and certainly there seems to have been an increase of collisions between cars and bicycles. With this reconstruction and another signalized intersection we can hope that the street is becomes safer.

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